Isaiah 10:27
It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.
How do you get out from under the thing you’ve been dealing with that is weighing you down?

The anointing!
The power of the Holy Spirit, the anointing, can heal a broken heart.
It will renew your hope, and will get your focus back on the Lord. It will cause you to come alive again!
You need a renewed anointing. It’s time to get past your past!
The anointing will get us all free from all the things the enemy uses to try to keep us in bondage. It liberates the captive! What are you struggling with..addiction, pornography, lust, immorality, gossip, over eating, negative attitude? You need the anointing of the Holy Spirit!
Time to get past your current level, and move on to a whole new level!
We need warriors to be equipped to fight the good fight of these last day battles! You need to be free from all that hinders you. Be willing to receive correction from the Holy Spirit to get you there.
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